
You’ve been on Hinge for a while, but no matches have come your way?

Or if you get likes, they’re not from the kind of girls you’d like to meet?

Don’t worry anymore. Your luck is about to change.

In this article, we will reveal how to get matches on Hinge.

Following the tips below will take you from zero to heart-breaker in less time than you might think.

If you’re ready to unlock the five secrets to matching on Hinge, let’s get started!

Shortcuts and contents:

The 5 Magic Keys to Match on Hinge

When it comes to getting the girl, it all falls down to only 5 keys:







#1 Photos

Photos are the first—and most important—part of ANY profile.

Never underestimate the power of a good picture.

Photo shoots and standing in front of a camera might not be your favorite thing in the world to do, but if you want amazing matches, you need equally amazing photos.

Receiving likes will depend on two factors: how good does the photo look, and how good do you appear in the shot.

And if you believe that the book shouldn’t be judged by its cover and all that…

It's time to break the news to you: in online dating, everyone is judged by their pictures.


So, to get the cool pictures that will attract those matches, the first thing you need to do is get over the mental hurdle.

You can. You should. And you WILL have nice photos.

You don’t need to look like a model, cameras absolutely don’t hate you, and not having a professional camera isn't a problem.

Let’s warn you first: it can take anywhere from 10 to 500 shots before you have a great photo. But you’re not in a rush, so you can get them over time.

Taking pictures with friends or hiring a professional photographer are both highly efficient way to get high-quality and attractive images for your profile.

Editing magic

Don't be concerned if you have a pimple on the day of the shoot, there's an unwanted object (or person) in the background, or the lighting could've been better.

These days, not every picture is ruined by tiny details.

Apps like Facetune2, or professional programs like Adobe Photoshop make it possible to improve and save many pictures from the trash.


#2 Prompts

The next thing that catches the eye after a stunning set of photos, is your answer to prompts.

As you may know, prompts are Hinge’s substitute for bios.

They are a great way to include particular information about yourself while also getting to know something about the other person before sending that like.

It’s important that before going crazy answering prompts of all kinds, think about what you want to portray and what information your pictures might be lacking.

A good prompt can do the following things:

  1. Raise your perceived value
  2. Entertain
  3. Create curiosity.

When you write your prompts, try to incorporate at least two of these elements into them.

Here are some examples of good prompts:

Two truths and a lie… I’ve lived in 11 different countries, I’ve never seen Harry Potter, and I won an award for making the best pancake.

As you can see, there are multiple elements, each doing different things:

  • Showing value (DHV)
  • Entertaining
  • Convo starter through creating interest and controversy

Don’t hate me if I… despise chocolate.

Because most ladies enjoy chocolate, this example sparks interest and creates controversy.

Believe it or not… I’m pretty sure that had I not become a lawyer, I would be the Red Hot Chili Peppers sixth guitarist.

This answer shows a lot of value by revealing the profession and knowledge about music, which some girls love even more than chocolate.


Audio Prompts

One of Hinge’s most recent additions is the ability to incorporate one audio prompt.

For this, the rules are the same, but the stakes are higher.

Aside from the normal brainstorming necessary for a successful prompt, you should also consider the following:

  • The audio quality must be good
  • Your voice must sound attractive
  • Avoid stuttering or making long, unnecessary pauses
  • Make sure there aren't any distracting noises in the background.

Now, if you’re wondering how you’ll know if your prompts are effective, the answer is simple:

Girls will reply to them rather than liking your pictures.


#3 Location

Finding a girl who lives close to you might seem easy and convenient, but you need to know that it’s not always possible to do so.

Living in a small town or in an area where there are not many single woman your age might be the sole reason why you’re not getting any matches.

The solution for this is to either move to a bigger city or increase the distance of search.

Despite this, you might still not get any matches.


Because depending on your location, you will need to use the dating app that has more users where you live.

If Hinge isn’t popular in your area and all the girls are on Bumble,Tinder, or any other app, consider switching to the most used instead.


#4 SMV

In case you don’t know, or don’t remember, SMV stands for Sexual Market Value.

AKA Looks Matter.

Let’s take a deep dive into honesty.

As much as someone says that what matters is what is on the inside, appearance can play a massive role when it comes to picking partners.

This is especially true on a dating app, when the first thing we see of a person is a photo.

And we all want that the picture to match with the looks of the actual human behind the profile.

Yes, you can edit your photos as much as you wish. 

But, in the end, how you appear in person is far more significant.

For this, you need to consider that there are two elements when it comes to appearance: 

  • The things that you CAN change
  • The things that you CAN’T change

Most people have the possibility of getting more attractive by taking some easy actions.

Focus on the things that you CAN change, make a plan of action, and start improving the way you look starting from now.

Fortunately, some changes can be done really fast. Some of them are:

  • Getting a nice haircut
  • Grooming properly to fix beard and brows
  • Acquiring stylish clothes and shoes
  • Begin a skincare routine to correct imperfections and to avoid premature wrinkles and skin damage
  • Fix your posture
  • Swap glasses for contact lenses

These changes might seem small on their own, but believe us when we tell you that the sum of the factors creates an extraordinary result.

If you want to deep dive into everything around SMV, you can watch our video on it:

#5 Settings

Having the wrong settings, too many dealbreakers, or limited preferences can take away your chances of getting matches.

In case you don’t know, a dealbreaker is a must-have that you require your potential matches to have.

This feature is good when you live in highly populated areas or when you are sure about a specific trait that you want in your partner.

However, setting too many dealbreakers, or adding them when you live in a small area, will take away your chances of meeting someone.

If you’ve followed the previous advice and still don’t get the desired results, try playing around with your settings and dealbreakers.

Being open to more than one thing might lead you to find someone who’s worth changing your standards.


Paid functions on Hinge

Like almost every other dating app, Hinge also comes with paid features that you can get to improve your experience.

And yes, they increase your chances of getting matches as well.

Hinge's premium features are divided into two categories:

  • Hinge Preferred

  • Hinge Boost

Hinge Preferred

A paid membership that will give you unlimited likes, additional dealbreakers, and the ability to view every person who has liked you at once.

Being a preferred member will let you go beyond the 10 daily likes limit, which is super useful if you live in a place where Hinge is widely used.

And, if you want to save time, the chance to see all the likes you’ve received at once will definitely help you find the one much faster than by going through new profiles one by one.


Time to match on Hinge!

And that was it for how to get matches on Hinge.

If you follow our advice, you will see a noticeable rise in your likes and will start matching in no time.

In case that you still have questions, or if you think that you could use some extra help to have a better time on Hinge, you can check out our course Online Dating Secrets to become a real expert, or get in touch so we can go over your specific situation.

Let us know how it goes, and see you in the next one!

One last thing...

If you already have those matches poring and you don't know what to say, try one of our 7 funny hinge pick up lines and start off with the right foot.

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