
Apply to our Scholarship

At Hovalo, we think it's important to help out people that need help with their dating. That's why I started this company in the first place. We want to help people get an amazing dating life and become better versions of themselves along the way.

I grew up in the Netherlands, and most of our clients are western, but we understand that the financial possibilities of everyone can change from country to country.


Why does Hovalo offer Scholarships?

The main goal of a business should be to make the world a better place.

The aim should be to do this as broadly and to as many people as possible within the limits of reason.

I am very aware that I have been lucky in my life with multiple aspects, like where I was born and the guidance I've had.

We know that not everyone lives in the western world and earns western world wages or has a stable financial situation.

To support some of our followers who really want access to our courses, yet don't have all the financial means to buy it, we want to help you out.

What is the Hovalo Scholarship?

Hovalo Scholarship lets people access our online courses for a fraction of the original price.

The financial aid can start with a 40% discount and go all the way to 100%, depending on the individual case.

When you receive a scholarship, you will access all the material and extras attached unless some restrictions apply when the discount is issued.

Who can Apply for the Scholarship?

As you may understand, not everyone is suited for our scholarship, and we're not in the business of doing things for free.

Check the list to see if it describes you.

  • People from all ages, guys, girls, and aliens.
  • People who are serious about online dating.
  • People who are willing to execute on the material. Just listening to a couple of videos is useless. It needs to be implemented.
  • People who are in financial hardship or who have a low earning potential.

How to Apply for the Hovalo Scholarship

To figure out if you are serious about it, we require you to apply with some effort and show that you can follow basic instructions. If you can't follow the steps to apply for the scholarship, you probably won't get too much out of our material. 

The way we ask you to apply is the following:

  • Create a Google Document.
  • Explain in 300 - 800 words what your dating, life, and financial situation is like.
  • Include the following: Full name, where you're from, picture, link to your social media profiles (FB/IG).
  • Make the document accesible with link (in sharing options).
  • Send the link to scholarship(@)hovalo(.)com - Remove the brackets, this is anti-spam.

After sending your application, we will reply as soon as possible to let you know if you are accepted and the details and conditions of your scholarship.

LIMITED SPOTS: We have limited spots and more applicants than scholarships available. Our process is very detailed to accept only the best, so don't take it personally if you aren't chosen. More opportunities for you to join will come in the future.
