How to tell if a girl likes you over text… the million-dollar question.
Fortunately for you, there are clear signs that give her away.
And they also give you away. Always.
Even if one or both of you are trying to be subtle.
Or want to shout about it but are holding back for any reason.
Girls can be complicated. Men can be oblivious to the signs.
No wonder why it seems impossible to know what she wants.
That’s why in this post, we’ll reveal how to know what her texts mean.
So, get ready and let’s get started.
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How to tell if a girl likes you over text… the million-dollar question.
Fortunately for you, there are clear signs that give her away.
And they also give you away. Always.
Even if one or both of you are trying to be subtle.
Or want to shout about it but are holding back for any reason.
Girls can be complicated. Men can be oblivious to the signs.
No wonder why it seems impossible to know what she wants.
That’s why in this post, we’ll reveal how to know what her texts mean.
So, get ready and let’s get started.
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How to tell if a girl likes you over text – 10 signs
It might be the case that you feel like her texts are a puzzle not meant for you to solve.
Sometimes it looks obvious what she wants, and others not so.
Or maybe you’re reading her signs in the wrong way.
Whatever is your case, here are ten clear signs that speak more than her words could to express how much she’s into you.
How to tell if a girl likes you over text – 10 signs
It might be the case that you feel like her texts are a puzzle not meant for you to solve.
Sometimes it looks obvious what she wants, and others not so.
Or maybe you’re reading her signs in the wrong way.
Whatever is your case, here are ten clear signs that speak more than her words could to express how much she’s into you.
Hovalo tip: Take into account that every person is different. Therefore, their texting manners and patterns can differ from what we tell you here. What you need to do in that case, is spot the changes and point out how big and positive they are to know if she likes you.
Have her texts changed from something normal to look like a biiiiiiiiitttttt liiiiiikkeeeee thiiiiisssss??????
Then, you are on the right path.
When we speak face to face, we use intonation, exclamations, and gestures to give emphasis to our words and compliment what we’re saying.
The same way that a person (should) measure their manners with a boss, a stranger, or an elder familiar, but goes all extroverted with friends, has been translated to the online world.
So, as her way of texting gets more and more flourished (even if you can’t understand it anymore), it means that she likes you.
At least enough to show you this other side of her.
And there’s one more thing that will blow up her cover.
Laughing in a conversation is good, but laughing with infinite hahahas and LOL’ing every text you send is more than enough to know she’s attracted to you or at least, is very close to doing so.
More so when you are certain that your jokes and comments aren’t that funny.
Consider that when talking to a serious person this change can be more subtle. Like only an emoticon or emoji here and there.
It’s still a good sign, though. Don’t get discouraged!
Does she take only a few minutes to reply? Or better yet, does she reply almost in real-time to every message?
You know what this means.
She lives on her phone, yes. But yet, she’s setting everything aside to reply.
Even better: she was expecting you to text her because she deeply enjoys texting you.
It may be the case that she’s busy all day, but still, you can note that when she’s free, her texts come fast.
Or maybe you have noticed that as soon as you are online, it doesn’t take long for her to start a conversation. This counts double since many girls prefer to let the man take the initiative.
And if you put a little mind into any of these signs, you can tell that this often goes accompanied by other two signs: frequency and length.
If her messages come through all day long or are a constant flow whenever she’s available, then you can know that there’s interest in her to keep the communication going despite your schedules.
And what’s better than that? Having large messages, of course!
It can be scary and a potential red flag to receive novels every time, but if her replies range between one to three lines, it’s crystal clear that she likes you back.
Especially if you notice that all these three signs have increased together with time.
Good morning and good night texts
There are two opposite meanings to good morning and goodnight texts.
Some say it can be a stalker signature when said texts, more so the morning ones, come way too early or are too obnoxious.
But, when a girl wishes you a good day and then a good night, it’s an almost certain sign that she’s attracted to you.
The best of this stage comes when you send each other good mornings and good nights, but the talk keeps a natural flow despite the interruptions.
Or maybe you reached that magical place where you say your good-nights and the talk stretches through some part of the night regardless of it.
On the other hand, if you send her your good wishes for the day and the night and there’s no reply… Well… Time to take your flirting to someone who’s actually interested.
After some time of texting back and forth, you might notice that your words become her words, as well as her expressions, become your expressions.
This is a natural trait of humans: we mirror what we like.
Maybe she starts using the same emojis as you. Perhaps you start sending silly GIFs like her.
When the texting style of both starts to merge, you can take it as a good sign.
And if she starts to show interest in things you like or do and tries to enter that world even if she wasn’t interested before, you are one step closer to taking the casual flirting to the next level.
Getting interested, remembering your hobbies, and attempting to understand the things that move you are a very good sign that she wants to belong to your world.
If you met through an online dating app, but have been connecting through other social media, there’s the possibility that she has visited your profile more than once.
You’ll notice this if she happens to know something you haven’t told over text, or if there is a constant flow of likes and comments in your images.
When this is the case, use the knowledge to your advantage and let your posts engage more with her.
Make sure your content adds value and keeps showcasing that extraordinary personality that she’s already falling for.
Texting often, asking you stuff that can go from the most inane to personal topics, having a variety of things to talk about, and ultimately being concerned for you are unmistakable signs with the same meaning.
Her crush on you is growing.
It’s very true that some of these attitudes can seem strange or even annoying.
Especially if she starts seeming more than a mom than a girlfriend, or when she’s telling you about her day-to-day life constantly. But it comes from a good place.
What this means is that she wants you to be part of her life. Know her inside and out and take her as she is.
Just consider her personality, the content of her messages and pay attention in case she’s crossing the line.
However, chances are that she’s only so engaged with you, that she hasn’t noticed how much she’s showing it.
And if you are corresponding her attention with more attention… Well, maybe it’s time for you to ask her out.
Does she flatter you often? Tiny things. Big things.
Stuff you wouldn’t even count as a trait, to her eyes are big deals that she must recognize and applaud.
Make sure, if you like her back, that you are complimenting her as well.
It’s also possible that she’s direct with you and instead of complimenting, skips straight into telling you how much you mean, or how important you are for her.
As long as the awful “as friends” doesn’t stings the conversation, you can know that she likes you.
However, it can be the case that she’s too shy to give you direct compliments.
There are other ways to get closer, like adding value.
If she’s constantly looking for things to talk about, sharing content, or making questions that can range from personal to neutral to crazy, this is more than clear: she doesn’t want the conversation to end.
You can be sure if she double-texts you.
This is when she sent the last message and reopens the conversation hours after with something new.
When both of you are this invested and the talk flows naturally, you don’t need to wonder anymore how to tell if she’s thinking the same.
She is.
Go for it.
These ones depend very much on the type of girl and the tone that you started the conversation after that first match.
Not all of them will be direct with their intentions and certainly, not everyone will be up to tease, flirt, or much less, send sexy texts openly.
But be sure that when they do, it’s because they want you to play their game.
And ultimately, take it out of the online world.
It’s also possible that her teasing seems a bit like bullying. Like she doesn’t like you at all.
Remember those times in childhood when the teasing was the standard way to say “I like you”?
Well, texting isn’t much different sometimes.
By looking closely at other signs she must be giving away, you’ll be able to notice that maybe her teasing is a way to hide how big is her crush on you.
Like nicknames.
There’s a chance that instead of calling you ‘love´, ‘sunshine’, or ‘my sun and stars’, she’ll refer to you with something far less pleasant that came out from your talks.
Good sign all the same. Take it for what it is and help the romance bloom.
Pro tip: If you notice that she is rude to you, it’s best to ask her directly what’s going on. Teasing is one thing, but harassing is another. Better clear any doubts before someone gets hurt.
It may happen that she already knows something you haven't told her.
Or that she asks you directly about a post found on your social media when you're still not friends or followers.
Maybe she even sprinkles likes and comments before sending a friend request o starts following you wherever she can.
This means that she'd been looking for more about because she just can't get enough.
This is always a good sign.
Unless the stalking gives way to jealousy.
But that's a talk for another day.
It’s true that an image can speak a thousand words. Don’t underestimate their power.
Whenever she sends you something more than text, she’s expressing herself beyond language.
Meaning that words stopped being enough. Meaning that she needs new ways to tell you her feelings.
Meaning that she has put enough confidence in you to expand her world to you, and share it.
If when you started texting she already used images, memes, and GIFs, you might notice that the number of them increases.
And overall, you need to see them as a whole.
Don’t try to analyze every attachment separately. Look at them as one big chunk of information.
What’s the vibe of the images she sends? What’s the thing that every meme or GIF has in common?

Perhaps she won’t tell you openly if she likes you. But the “how to know a girl likes me” can be answered easily the moment you notice a positive pattern or an evolution.
Teasing can change to flirting, to melting at your words to scream that she is waiting for you to make a move.
Don’t underestimate the power of her attachments.
And then, there’s voice notes.
The moment both of you start sending them, and waiting for them, you’re more than on track.
It’s personal, it’s direct, and it lets both of you express easier, use intonation, show what the real person is like.
If she’s not sending them, you can slide in her ears and use this to make her nervous, chuckle, and anticipate every new voice message.
Also, for most people it is way easier to hear an audio than to read a long text, because it feels closer and more personal. So consider that, and don’t throw away your chance.
Now, if you reached this step and you’re still wondering, you are already wasting valuable time with her.
The moment a girl starts to show interest in stepping away from the online world is the best sign you can wish for.
More so if she’s the one proposing to call, FaceTime, Zoom, or any other alike.
Depending on the level of communication, it may be the case that she wants to put a voice to the texts, or a face to the voice.
Whatever the case, you should accept it if you like her as well.
This is an excellent way to know if the chemistry trespasses the messages, and it can lead straight into meeting face to face.
Don’t skip it unless you don’t like her, but if you really don’t, why are you still texting?
There’s a slim chance that you found a scammer… Ok, this isn’t the place for that.
If she hasn’t shown any sign of it, or better yet, if you already called or video called successfully, we can’t spell it clearer than her signs.
She. Is. Into. You.
Forget the online flirting. Man up, and accept.
In a normal world, she might expect you to be the one asking her out after a good call, but if you’re slow, insecure, and she’s not, she will take the reins to make things happen.
That is, if she doesn’t lose interest first, thinking wrongly that her feelings weren’t matched.
Take into consideration that if you've been texting or calling for quite some time, she might be irrevocably in love, ready for a committed relationship, and not just after casual flirting.
And if you don’t want that, well... you can know more about what to do in a case like that through our newsletter.
How to know if a girl likes you but is hiding it
In these times, it’s perfectly normal to find girls who are pretty straightforward in telling you exactly what they want or what they expect from you.
However, there still are girls out there who are waiting for the guy to do all of the hard work.
Or maybe there are a varied number of reasons in her life that don’t let her tell you openly her feelings.
Whatever is the case, the changes in her texts will tell you the truth.
Remember that all of the signs above shape the new body language of the online world.
And there are a few additions that you can spot when she wants you to know.
Better said, when she wants you to guess that she’s got a crush on you.
- Whenever she teases you with acting or looking like her boyfriend.
- If she jokes about you being a couple.
- Or exploring the idea openly to see your reaction.
- Maybe she even makes plans for the future without you even noticing!
It won’t be something like “our babies will be called so and so”.
But rather small things. Like when she hints of the time she’ll meet your dogs, or when she finally tries those pancakes you brag about.
Or it can be something much more subtle like asking you to “picture this” or “imagine that” with the two of you together.
The devil is in the details, and so are her clues to tell you that she likes you.
How to know if a girl likes you but is hiding it
In these times, it’s perfectly normal to find girls who are pretty straightforward in telling you exactly what they want or what they expect from you.
However, there still are girls out there who are waiting for the guy to do all of the hard work.
Or maybe there are a varied number of reasons in her life that don’t let her tell you openly her feelings.
Whatever is the case, the changes in her texts will tell you the truth.
Remember that all of the signs above shape the new body language of the online world.
And there are a few additions that you can spot when she wants you to know.
Better said, when she wants you to guess that she’s got a crush on you.
- Whenever she teases you with acting or looking like her boyfriend.
- If she jokes about you being a couple.
- Or exploring the idea openly to see your reaction.
- Maybe she even makes plans for the future without you even noticing!
It won’t be something like “our babies will be called so and so”.
But rather small things. Like when she hints of the time she’ll meet your dogs, or when she finally tries those pancakes you brag about.
Or it can be something much more subtle like asking you to “picture this” or “imagine that” with the two of you together.
The devil is in the details, and so are her clues to tell you that she likes you.
What to say when a girl sends you a picture
Sending you the picture of a box of cereal that reminds her of you is good.
But receiving a sexy selfie?
And even if you don’t think so, receiving a picture of her in PJs with a disheveled bun is way better.
Sending you a pic can be her way to ask for one of you in return.
It can be a certain “look at how stunning I look in this dress”.
But most importantly, it can be a sign of trust and a wordless way to say “I want you here with me for the next pic.”
Your response has to go in tune with the tone of the image, and don’t you dare to leave it on “seen” without reply.
She’s trusting you one way or the other. Even if it was just a hint that she was DTF.
Whatever her intentions are, she expects you to meet them, or care, or react.
Be a gentleman. Be her charming prince. Be her Christian Grey.
Or better yet, be that version of yourself that she is opening to in hopes to take your connection to another level.
What to say when a girl sends you a picture
Sending you the picture of a box of cereal that reminds her of you is good.
But receiving a sexy selfie?
And even if you don’t think so, receiving a picture of her in PJs with a disheveled bun is way better.
Sending you a pic can be her way to ask for one of you in return.
It can be a certain “look at how stunning I look in this dress”.
But most importantly, it can be a sign of trust and a wordless way to say “I want you here with me for the next pic.”
Your response has to go in tune with the tone of the image, and don’t you dare to leave it on “seen” without reply.
She’s trusting you one way or the other. Even if it was just a hint that she was DTF.
Whatever her intentions are, she expects you to meet them, or care, or react.
Be a gentleman. Be her charming prince. Be her Christian Grey.
Or better yet, be that version of yourself that she is opening to in hopes to take your connection to another level.
How to know if a girl is DTF
First of all, if you missed it, DTF means “down to fuck.” As in right now.
Although some girls might get there eventually after meeting you. That depends on her.
Some of them will be clear about it in their bio, so you know what they’re up to (like you might find on Tinder and Seeking).
She might redirect you to another social media right after matching, and then it’s up to you to figure out if she wants you in her bed or was only looking for another follower.
There’s this chance that she actually tells you that she’s DTF. It’s rare, but it happens.
It can also be the case that her behavior changes during a night out and she calls or texts.
But she might be DTF after a while of texting and she won’t tell.
In this case, her emojis, texts, images, and GIFs will be speaking on her behalf yet again.
A clear way to know is by start flirting, maybe a naughty text here and there, and watch if she follows if she escalates it.
Another way is by asking her out and finding out during that date what she wants.
Women's words can be contradictory and confusing, but her body language, reactions, and face won’t lie.
Once you know, you must take the lead, remove obstacles and make it happen without getting needy or desperate.
Don’t blow your chance and make it fun for both of you! You never know what a good night can lead to in the future...
How to know if a girl is DTF
First of all, if you missed it, DTF means “down to fuck.” As in right now.
Although some girls might get there eventually after meeting you. That depends on her.
Some of them will be clear about it in their bio, so you know what they’re up to.
She might redirect you to another social media right after matching, and then it’s up to you to figure out if she wants you in her bed or was only looking for another follower.
There’s this chance that she actually tells you that she’s DTF. It’s rare, but it happens.
It can also be the case that her behavior changes during a night out and she calls or texts.
But she might be DTF after a while of texting and she won’t tell.
In this case, her emojis, texts, images, and GIFs will be speaking on her behalf yet again.
A clear way to know is by start flirting, maybe a naughty text here and there, and watch if she follows if she escalates it.
Another way is by asking her out and finding out during that date what she wants.
Women's words can be contradictory and confusing, but her body language, reactions, and face won’t lie.
Once you know, you must take the lead, remove obstacles and make it happen without getting needy or desperate.
Don’t blow your chance and make it fun for both of you! You never know what a good night can lead to in the future...
Some red flags to avoid
Sometimes, things get out of hand, and her crush on you might have evolved into something you don’t want to be part of.
If she’s too overwhelming, with an extreme number of messages, questions, updates, and plans, you might want to start stepping away.
Another thing that you must check constantly is how she makes you feel.
Things will go well as long as both make each other feel good and share positive things.
It’s true that when a certain level of confidence is built, you can trust each other with the bad stuff as well, but if there are more complaints than happy thoughts, it’s better to leave.
And if she makes you feel bad constantly and/or on purpose. There’s nothing more for you there, unless you are a shit test expert.
If you are really into a girl who does any of these, beware that she may never change, but there is hope that she’s just going through some bad phase that she’ll overcome eventually, and then, you can build that relationship.
But good things can’t be forced. Don’t forget that.
Before you go back to text
There goes all the tips you need to spot if she likes you through texts.
We remind you: it’s not the same with every girl, but it isn’t rocket science either.
Remember that most things can be solved by asking, and it’s better trying than losing a chance for holding back.
Also, consider that if there’s enough trust between the two, you’ll be able to talk things through.
Although, if you still feel insecure, you have specific doubts, or you want more information on this, you can subscribe to our newsletter, schedule a call to go through your case.
Overall, remember that there’s no need to panic. The “no” is already yours if you don’t ask, and there’s much more to gain if you just speak things up.
If all of this was cool, but first you need matches, check this article on how to get matches on Hinge first!
So good luck, and see you next time!

Some red flags to avoid
Sometimes, things get out of hand, and her crush on you might have evolved into something you don’t want to be part of.
If she’s too overwhelming, with an extreme number of messages, questions, updates, and plans, you might want to start stepping away.
Another thing that you must check constantly is how she makes you feel.
Things will go well as long as both make each other feel good and share positive things.
It’s true that when a certain level of confidence is built, you can trust each other with the bad stuff as well, but if there are more complaints than happy thoughts, it’s better to leave.
And if she makes you feel bad constantly and/or on purpose. There’s nothing more for you there.
If you are really into a girl who does any of these, beware that she may never change, but there is hope that she’s just going through some bad phase that she’ll overcome eventually, and then, you can build that relationship.
But good things can’t be forced. Don’t forget that.
It’s completely up to you what to do in a situation like that.
Before you go back to text
Creating a good Tinder bio, as you have seen, can be quite a task.
It has to be smart, fun, brief, original, and communicate in the best way a reason why it’s worth dating you, besides how good you look in your pictures.
We’ve seen with the examples how tempting it might be to copy-paste the work of somebody else, but we hope you are more inspired to make your own than to borrow something that won’t be 100% yourself.
You also learned that the best Tinder bio must reflect the best of your personality, and ideally, it will make your matches start the conversation and/or hint at what you can do on your first date.

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